Sunday, May 9, 2021

One simple Somatics Yoga exercise to boost COVID-19 recovery.

Recovering from COVID-19 is a complicated process. Issues like difficulty in breathing, loss of stamina, and tiredness is a common complaint from those who have contracted the novel virus. 

But once you have beaten the virus, you must take steps to return to your original fitness levels.

Somatics Yoga can help you recover gently. With its sharp focus on mindful slow movements, it won’t stress your body too much while also making sure you’re being able to breathe properly. This is really important because at any cost, you must not exert yourself beyond what your body permits. This differs from person to person but even those who have been following some kind of fitness regime before testing positive need to be cautious of their health and take it slow. And Somatics Yoga is perfectly slow for this kind of recovery.

Do this exercise every day to begin your road to recovery - 

  • Start with gently laying down flat on your tummy. You can do this either on a mat, or if you don’t have access to a mat, you can do it on the floor.
  • Keep one arm to your side, and the other beside your face.
  • Turn your head to this side of your raised arm.

Now, this position makes breathing easier by allowing deeper, longer breaths. But it doesn’t stop by just lying in this position. It’s only the beginning. 

When you’re down at this position, you need to inhale slowly. Very slowly. Even slower than what you’re imagining. And then exhale just as slowly. With control and focus over your breath. This brings a whole new world of relaxation in your body, that you will only experience when you try this out for yourself. 

Continue this till you’re in a state of complete serenity. 

With the many invisible lung problems that COVID-19 is threatening us with, this very simple exercise can make things a lot easier for you. It’s only one of the many ways that Somatics Yoga can help change your life. Ask for a free consultation session, and I will be happy to talk to you and guide you through your recovery to great fitness & health. Till then, take care and stay safe!

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